Regarding Victims vs Victimization

Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder I think judging racism by a person being white with good intentions doesnt necessarily mean the film, the idea, the concept and the ideology put on from director's view was intended to promote whites doing this or that. I think it is more complex. And films are made to be intepret by its viewers. Viewers feeling offended by it is a victory for the director as a matter of fact. If you can challenge your viewer and make him feel uncomfortable or it makes him or her think the film is controversial, heck that is what I call success, not racism

The rise of social media brought advantages. And yes the rise of technology (I´d call it) always brought and will bring advantages, but the way we interpret art? No, I don´t think so. It has happened at a particular narrow sector of individuals only, (which I am not part of) take this premise of changing ways too drastically. For I think open interpretation stands open at all times in all centuries and should remain completely open, as this is what the phrase goes for. 

Point 1 - Blackface being considered harmless back in time and offensive today. The way I see it can be harmless today and tomorrow but there are some (not all) who would take that wrong. And I accept anyone doing/performing/developing/deliberating that performance, just like many things I would accept if the intention is not aiming to go against someone´s dignity. If things have changed (and that is fact), are certain people feeling insulted by almost every single thing that doesn´t follow their set of standards, which make things way more ambigous because not all times the one feeling a victim is really being a victim but practicing victimization, which I strongly believe it happens and happened in the past, but now with technology there is more access to draw more attention, make it more massive and gain more impact. Easily practiced today. Quick fact: I see in theathres, schools (today, 2019) in Buenos Aires where people perform blackface perfromance at columbus holiday representing slaves, and guess what: no one gets offended, and by no one I mean no one brown, or white or whichever way you americans prefer to call people based on color in the first place. We are not used to use those terms. On our daily basis to refer to someone we more or less specify to people with political approach as in "she is a right-winged girl, or the "socialist old man", or that "anarchist punk boy" (so regardless of its color, we know what we are talking about) . I can understand there is a deep history of racism in your country which gives enough argument to question many things happening now. But I think sometimes it totally goes off limit.

Point 2 - IMHO I think there is a thin line between interpreting things and taking them too personal to the extreme practicing victimization, and knowing for a fact that was indeed addressing hatred or meant to damage someone´s persona. Especially in this century, it is so easy to A: get confused and think this is actually happening B - Follow everyone who claim thisi s actually happening when it is not C - Blame on whoever addressing that line as the responsible

Point 3 - Regarding more than one kind of racism: I don´t think there is much of a spectrum of racism. I would disagree with Rob. I find that also as extreme as victimization goes. There is racism, period. I don´t know what you are basing on, but to me there is no need to go too deep on it. Either you are discriminating or you just don´t. 

Point 4 - Disputing art as either good or bad. Definitely not my belief system. Good or bad are not words I consider too meaningful as a matter of fact unless I am drinking coffee or having some dinner. But when it comes to discussion either something drew my attention or it just didn´t, then I just lose interest and I have my own personal reasons for that. And I take responsiblity of that watching it or not, simple as that. In the end it is up to me to become that viewer,. And I can appreciate more or less author`s work. But no need to demonize people. 

Point 5 - "damsels in distress" widely considered. Again considered to whom, and why this consideration should be now considered to all? That sounds to me as self imposing your idea over mine. Take Lamb of the slaughter story and from that plot you find there are not just one but endless ways to assume who is the victim who is not, and who became a victim due to revenge.

Point 6 - Hence, and my final point. Much of milennials today addressing discrimination are but the accumulation of resentment from many years. While some are adressing it correctly and with enough evidence, truth is one mass-fever generated (especially in social media) from wich excess and only target is to accuse anything that could fit in a profile of someone offending my own set of standards. I consider that absolutely wrong. And I see that in movies, I see that in the streets, I see that in feminism, I see that in many many groups very popular today. I favor justice and rights and respect for everyone, but excess is always most dangerous path.


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